Our CORE services

Category research

Strategy planning


We help companies grow and scale with developing sales into retailers. Clients that need retail expertise, support to grow sales or help with improving their routes to market.
If you’ve worked hard establishing your business and products, but you’re just not getting the sales and/or buyer engagement you need. We can help….
“The company has grown in the last year which has added more to what is now a team of professionals that can deliver. They have committed to the brand and we love working with them”
Raphael Ogunrinde, Calyx Drinks
Proven processes that work. With over 20 years experience we know the errors to avoid (that can be costly) and how to create opportunities for your product with retail buyers.
You maybe busy with the day to day running of the business. Are you generating the revenue you need? Are your products performing how they should? Our review and planning strategies will help create a laser focus to developing your sales and route to market.
Are you looking to grow and scale to the next level? We can help review your route to market, value proposition, sales processes and product range.
We know your blood sweat and tears have gone into making your product, and it’s our job to get it into the hands of those that want it most.
Wynne Business, helping you target, win and grow your sales with UK retailers.
Wynne Business was founded by Suzi Wynne FCIM in 2012
“I am and have always been passionate about growing sales and brands so you see something tangible for the effort you’ve put in. Pretty much my whole career has been working with products and getting them on shelves and it’s what I absolutely love. I love looking for the new sales angle, the new product opportunity, the new route to market….
I started as a Junior Marketing Exec, then Brand Manager, Account Manager, BDM, Head of UK Sales, Head of European Sales, Commercial Director and Managing Director across food and non food.
After these sales & marketing roles I really felt that I would like to use my skills and expertise to help SME’s capitalise on opportunities with retailers. Fill their skills gaps, add strategic guidance and provide a comfort blanket when taking the step up into selling to supermarkets.”
As well leading the team at Wynne Business Suzi is also a Honorary Teaching Fellow for Entrepreneurship, Strategy & Innovation at Lancaster University Management School.
So whether the brand is a start-up, scaling up or established we would love to work with you. For more information or a just a chat please call me on: 07454 398942 or email me at sw@wynnebusiness.co.uk
Managing Director
Operations Support
Strategic Marketing