How we provide value for our clients…
When you make the decision that you want your products and your brand to enter the world of retail, we understand how daunting of a task that may seem to be.
It’s time consuming and can ultimately make you lose focus on what you do best.
Here at Wynne Business, we don’t just offer our services in terms of securing you listings for your products, we help you and your business grow and develop by offering our insights, advice and putting a plan into action. This allows you to regain that focus.
By providing you and your products with a detailed plan, we add structure which makes the growth of your business more measurable and simpler.
We understand the importance of fully immersing ourselves in your products so that we have the knowledge to truly sell your products as if they were our own. We’ve found that this approach makes it easier for us to pitch your products and provides us with greater levels of success.
Our insights and advice often mean that if we feel that you would benefit from a certain service beyond what Wynne Business can offer, then we will help source that for you, whether it’s website development or setting you up with digital marketing agency to help you grow your product or brand.
One of our clients, The Cocktail Co wanted to gain advice on how to grow as a retail brand, the consultancy piece of work quickly developed into Wynne Business helping with their business development and account management.
We were able to secure several retail listings with Booth’s for their core range and then aided in the product development for a new range of products that we were also able to secure a Booth’s listing for.
Not only do we secure listings for our clients, we aid them in NPD, trade marketing and account management help grow the account and successfully grow their brand presence within the retailer we acquired the initial listing for.
In summary, the ways in which we add value to you not only helps you win business but also grow your business and most importantly, allow you to focus on what makes you and your products fantastic.
By Jordan Burrell
Wynne Business specialise in launching products & driving brand growth with UK retailers. We can help with any aspect of the sales & marketing process & offer tailor made packages for SME’s. Speak to us about your brand today!
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